Dungeon Master ... Again! Instructions

This custom dungeon target PC DM2 english version, so you will probably play it under DOSBox. If you don't have it yet, please download the lastest version from here and read this general thread about setting up DM2.

Make sure you have a correctly installed version of PC DM2 (any version should work).

Copy your whole SKULKEEP directory towards a new copy called SKULDM.

Unzip your DMA.zip at the parent dir of SKULDM. Check that the new graphics.dat, dungeon.dat are in SKULDM\DATA and skull.exe in SKULDM.

I also provide dm2e.bat which tell DM2 to start in english.

Another bat, skuldm.bat starts DOSBox to run DM2:

dosbox\dosbox.exe skuldm\dm2e.bat

You have to change the dosbox directory according to your own installation of DOSBox.

If you have still problems or questions, please go under the appropriate
thread at the dungeon master forum.